FIA Foundation & Partners - ITF 2023

See below to read and download the work that the FIA Foundation is sharing at this year's ITF summit.
Check back here regularly to access new reports as they are launched at a series of events throughout the conference programme.

FIA Foundation - Design For Life

The FIA Foundation is an international charity, working closely with grant partners to shape projects and advocate to secure change in policy and practice. Our Strategy 2030 firmly establishes our focus on contributing to achieve the ambitious targets of the United Nations’ Global Goals, in the areas of road traffic injury, air quality, climate action and youth empowerment. Our objective is safe and healthy journeys for all, whether it is the daily walk to school or the final lap of a Grand Prix. Through partners with global reach we work to deliver safer vehicles and highways, clean air and zero carbon mobility, safe motor sport and low speed streets.

Our mission: Design for Life, For People & Planet.

FIA Foundation - Design For Life

Facilitating a transition to Zero-Emission Vehicles in the global south

This report by US research body ITS UC Davis and the UK Government’s ZEV Transition Council (ZEVTC), supported by the FIA Foundation examines the status of zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) uptake across the world and considers how to accelerate the transition as part of emergency measures to avoid a climate catastrophe. Recommendations include the need to recognise the varied levels of ZEV policies across the Global South, to appreciate the profound need for equitable funding, and secure collective global buy-in to address the global challenge.

Facilitating a transition to Zero-Emission Vehicles in the global south

National Policies for Walking and Cycling in ITF Countries

PATH partners seek to unlock walking and cycling’s potential to accelerate the achievement of climate goals and other benefits, through greater prioritisation and investment including through national strategies and other policy instruments. This report is a national policy analysis for walking and cycling in ITF countries released on the occasion of the ITF Summit.

National Policies for Walking and Cycling in ITF Countries

Gender Imbalance in the Transport Sector

This report from the World Bank’s Sustainable Urban Mobility for All (SUM4All) gender working group was the results of pioneering research undertaken by POLIS & Heather Allen and funded by FIA Foundation, which examined existing data and conducted in-depth interviews and polling to build a comprehensive global snapshot of lived experiences of women working in the transport sector.

Gender Imbalance in the Transport Sector

Mobility Matters

Mobility Matters: The role of transport services in supporting access to sexual reproductive health services for adolescent girls and young women. Findings from Four African countries. Adolescent girls’ journeys to access sexual health services in four countries across Africa are often expensive, dangerous, and inaccessible. This report from Girl Effect identifies the key changes needed to improve equitable access.

Mobility Matters

Advocacy Hub

Launched to coincide with the UN Streets for Life campaign, the FIA Foundation’s new Advocacy Hub, based within the Child Health Initiative, will focus on supporting global, national and city campaigns for 30km/h streets where children and youth live, walk and cycle. Read more about the objectives of the Advocacy Hub and also the goals of the Manifesto 2030: Safe and Healthy Streets for Children, Youth & Climate which the FIA Foundation and its Child Health Initiative partners aim to deliver.

Advocacy Hub

The Wheels of Change

Safe and Sustainable Motorcycles in Sub-Saharan Africa
This report aims to provide an overview of the key issues surrounding motorcycles in Africa to give context and facts – and to provide recommendations – to help all involved to make informed decisions that will maximise the benefits that motorcycles offer and to reduce the risks.

The Wheels of Change

Safe Schools Africa

Safe Schools Africa is a collaboration between Amend and the FIA Foundation, with the support of the World Bank and the African Development Bank, among others. The program provides proven-effective, targeted technical assistance on road projects in Sub-Saharan Africa to ensure that roads are designed and built safely for children and other vulnerable road users. Learn more about the program in the Safe Schools Africa Prospectus.

Safe Schools Africa

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