Communities across the US roll with National Bike & Roll to School Day, supported by the FIA Foundation

Children, families, school officials and community leaders across the United States participated in the 13th Bike & Roll to School Day, organized by the National Center for Safe Routes to School and supported by the FIA Foundation.
The celebration spotlights the joys and benefits of active travel to school while drawing attention to the need for safe, accessible school commutes.
“National Bike & Roll to School Day provides a springboard for communities aiming to prioritize safe spaces for walking, biking, and rolling,” said Nancy Pullen-Seufert, Director of the National Center for Safe Routes to School, a partner of the Child Health Initiative. “Thanks to all the local Bike & Roll to School Day event organizers and supporting organizations for their inspiring commitment to lasting changes that advance safe, active, and fun trips for children and youth.”

More than 2,400 Bike & Roll to School Day events have been registered so far, and the total number of events is expected to grow as celebrations continue throughout May, which is US National Bike Month. Coordinated by the National Center for Safe Routes to School, Bike & Roll to School Day is part of the movement for year-round safe routes to school.
The flagship National Bike & Roll to School Day event took place in Lincoln Park, Washington, DC. At the event, local and national officials and partners gathered with students, parents, and school leaders for bike trains to 15 area schools. The event included high level representation from the USDOT and local political representatives.
Natalie Draisin, FIA Foundation Director, North America and UN Representative, addressed the crowds, saying: “Today, children like you are celebrating around the world. You’ve paved the way for others to follow. Children in Latin America now celebrate Bike and Roll to School day as well, via another Child Health Initiative partner, the Institute for Transportation Development and Policy. By learning from each other, we strive for our goal of every children having a safe and healthy journey to school.”