FIA Foundation highlights road safety at World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion

Road safety challenges and solutions were highlighted by the FIA Foundation and its partners at the 15th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Safety 24) held in Delhi, India.
Safety 24 was hosted by the World Health Organization and the George Institute for Global Health, supported by the FIA Foundation. The FIA Foundation convened global experts and stakeholders through pre-conference workshops and main conference sessions focused on critical road safety issues, including motorcycle safety and financing.
The FIA Foundation and its partners drew particular focus to its growing body of motorcycle safety work. During the conference session 'Powered Two-Wheelers Safety', FIA Foundation Executive Director Saul Billingsley delivered a keynote speech (see main image above), highlighting the growing use of motorcycles, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, and the strategies to improve safety while supporting sustainable development goals. A pre-conference workshop, 'Leaving No-One Behind - Powered Two-Wheelers Safety in the Sustainable Development Agenda' organised by the Asian Development Bank, brought together experts, including the World Bank, iRAP, AIP Foundation and the Global Road Safety Partnership, among others, to address the safety of powered two-wheelers. Programmes Director Aggie Krasnolucka spoke on three panels about motorcycle safety issues, including helmet standards, child safety, and anti-lock braking systems (ABS).
FIA Foundation Deputy Director Avi Silverman led the 'Spotlight Session on Road Safety Financing', which emphasised the importance of sustainable financing for road safety with speakers from Ecom Express, Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA), Amend, ITDP India, and iRAP. Highlighting the urgency of funding the event urged governments and stakeholders to accelerate road infrastructure investment ahead of the Fourth Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety to be held in Marrakech, Morocco in 2025.

The workshop 'Challenges, Research Gaps, and Learnings from Global Road Safety Programmes' was co-organised by the FIA Foundation and its Child Health Initiative (CHI), which focused on safe journeys to school for children. The event featured a panel discussion with representatives from UNICEF, Amend, iRAP, and the Global Designing Cities Initiative (GDCI). Case studies and roundtable discussions provided insights into real-world applications of road safety programmes with a child focus, setting the stage for future collaborations ahead of Marrakesh 2025. The workshop was led by Child and Youth Director Atsani Ariobowo, who also gave the opening address at the Safety 24 session 'The Great Debate: Experts and Youth on the Future of Policymaking in Injury Prevention'.

The FIA Foundation was also represented across a range of panels with Child and Youth Director Atsani Ariobowo chairing 'Road safety around schools' and Media and Advocacy Manager Kate Turner chairing 'Media and Injury Prevention'.
Through these workshops and sessions, the FIA Foundation reinforced its commitment to advancing global road safety, advocating for policy change, and supporting initiatives to protect the most vulnerable road users and work towards the UN SDG target to halve road deaths by 2030.