FIA Foundation rallies final push to 2030 at Morocco Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety

The FIA Foundation convened global partners in a wide range of workshops, panels and events to discuss the final push to 2030 at the fourth Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Marrakech, Morocco.

The FIA Foundation pre-event, 'Challenge 2030 – achieving the Global Road Safety Goals,' brought together public, private and civil society organisations to focus on the most successful advocacy, investment, and actions which can help achieve the target of halving road deaths by 2030. FIA Foundation Chair David Richards CBE opened the event, emphasising the urgent need for investment, knowledge sharing, and capacity building for proven road safety solutions. "We succeed or fail together," he warned in a call to action ahead of the last global ministerial conference for road safety before the end of the Sustainable Development Goals.

A new report, 'Life Support: Advancing the global agenda for financing & action on road safety', makes the case for increased, interconnected and accessible finance for road safety programmes to meet the 2030 challenge. Deputy Director Avi Silverman presented the report at the NGO Alliance Symposium, saying, "A global step-change in financing is vital, and millions of lives depend upon it."

Youth was a major focus of the week, with the launch of the 'Child Health Initiative Manifesto 2030 Progress Report', the fifth anniversary of iRAP's Star Rating for Schools programme, a new FIA Foundation-funded UNICEF report, 'Protecting Young Lives: A Global Status Report on Child and Adolescent Road Safety, and a range of ministerial panels and side events.
The role of mayors in cities was a focus of a conference plenary session involving Executive Director Saul Billingsley alongside the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, and the Transportation Commissioner of New York City, Ydanis Rodriguez. Saul Billingsley highlighted Foundation research on the political economy of road safety in cities and urged mayors to follow the example of Paris and New York in embedding safe system policies on infrastructure, vehicle design and active safety, and speed management. He also encouraged mayors to advocate for climate investment in walking and cycling, in line with recommendations from the Partnership for Active Travel and Health (PATH).
The rising number of motorcycles, particularly in Africa and Latin America, was a key topic of discussion. The FIA Foundation and its partners were strong advocates for helmet standards and enforcement in sessions throughout the week and in a pre-event workshop for FIA Foundation helmet coalitions from across the globe.
The role of the private sector was drawn into focus by the FIA Road Safety Index, supported by the FIA Foundation, which increases organisational insights on the impact of operations on road safety and builds ambition, action, and results. New components of the Index were announced as the programme will expand to include five areas: commitment, footprint, planning, monitoring of safety performance and safety culture management, and supply chain coverage. During the event, Amazon, BAT Italia, Folksam, Honda Motor Co., IKEA Supply Chain Operations, Scania, Shell, Uber, and Waymo formally received a 3-star rating - the highest achievement - in recognition of their efforts to enhance road safety.
Executive Director Saul Billingsley said: It's been a busy and productive week for the Foundation, and there's real momentum here in Marrakesh from ministers, civil society and the private sector. Now we need to push on and make sure that we work really hard over the coming years to try and achieve the 2030 targets to halve road deaths."