UN Road Safety Fund launches progress report at Leipzig ITF Summit

The UN Road Safety Fund has launched its 2021 Annual Report with public and private sector and civil society partners, including the FIA Foundation, at a media event during the International Transport Forum Summit in Leipzig, Germany.
The latest Report “Making an impact: safer roads, improved lives” highlights the projects and advocacy undertaken by the Fund, as it launches a new US$ 40 million replenishment campaign. The report showcases results from across the Fund’s 25 road safety projects in 30 low- and middle-income countries, alongside its global partnerships, platforms of engagement and outreach and advocacy. From creating safe liveable spaces for walking and cycling, and around schools, in Africa to innovative, evidence-based tools, models and training across the Middle East, Asia and Latin America, the Report shares how the Fund has promoted safer, accessible and inclusive roads for all users.

The media briefing was attended by Angela Maria Orozco Gómez, Minister of Transport, Colombia, a recipient country; Lotte Brondum, Executive Director, Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety; Nicolas Beaumont, Senior Vice-President Sustainable Development and Mobility, Michelin Group, a private sector donor to the Fund; and Saul Billingsley, Executive Director of the FIA Foundation. The Foundation was the single largest donor during the first phase of the Fund, contributing US $10 million – around half of the total raised.
Speaking at the event, Saul Billingsley praised the progress of the Fund, and the strong partnerships engendered by its project funding. He called on governments and the private sector to step up to provide much needed financing. “There is a funding challenge. We can see the immense potential of the UN Road Safety Fund, but to realise that potential we need donors to provide significant funding to make this replenishment a success.”
Nneka Henry, Head of the UN Road Safety Fund, hosted the briefing and said: “This 2021 Annual Report marks the end of the Fund’s successful foundational phase, underpinned by a strong record of results – as highlighted in the 2021 independent evaluation. Now, the Fund is armed with the know-how, capacity and diverse partner engagement needed to scale its impact in 2022- 2025. In line with the Global Plan of Action for Road Safety, the Fund stands ready to ramp up its contribution to delivering on a safer world and improved lives for all road users everywhere.”