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Global Network for Road Safety Legislators reports on five years of advocacy

3rd February 2022

The Global Network for Road Safety Legislators, a network supporting parliamentarians to understand and advocate for global road safety has marked its first five years of activity. The Global Network is coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO) with funding support from the FIA Foundation. 

Global Network for Road Safety Legislators reports on five years of advocacy

Chișinău streets feel unsafe, say seven in ten road users with limited mobility

31st January 2022

Seven out of ten Moldovans with limited mobility feel unsafe moving around the streets of Chișinău, according to a survey by the Automobile Club of Moldova (ACM), as part of the Equal Road Rights project in partnership with the Center for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CDPD) and Universal Access Ltd and Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport (EASST) with the support of the FIA Foundation.

Chișinău streets feel unsafe, say seven in ten road users with limited mobility

Safe System and equity – our US report with Johns Hopkins University

26th May 2021

The Safe System approach to road safety could lead to dramatic reductions in vehicle-related deaths and injuries if implemented in the U.S., according to a report from a consortium of experts convened by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Institute of Transportation Engineers, supported by the FIA Foundation.

Safe System and equity – our US report with Johns Hopkins University