
The global road traffic injury epidemic kills 3,700 people every day. Many thousands more are seriously injured. Our societies have been persuaded to accept ‘death by car’. We challenge this.

Safe<br />roads

Climate Action

We are living in a time of planetary emergency. Global heating is altering weather systems, threatening habitats, and exacerbating social injustice. We must act now.

Climate Action


Toxic air pollution contributes to more than 7 million deaths a year and causes serious and long-term ill-health to many millions of people. Vehicle emissions are a major cause.

Clean<br />Air

Safe Motor Sport

As the global charity of worldwide motor sport, we play a key role in financing cutting-edge safety research.

Safe Motor Sport

Child and Youth Rights

Young people bear the impact of decisions taken by adults. Road traffic crashes are the leading global cause of death for children and youth aged 5-18.

Child and Youth Rights


Cities are growing rapidly in the Global South. It is in these megacities that the fight for safe streets, climate, clean air and social justice must be won.

Liveable<br />cities

We support

2030 UN goal to halve road traffic death & serious injury
Accelerated transition to low/zero carbon mobility
WHO clean air guidelines for urban areas
Safe, sustainable & accessible motor sport
A safe and healthy school journey for every child
Sustainable & equitable funding for global road safety



In Cambodia, we supported AIP Foundation advocacy for a 2014 road traffic law mandating helmet use for all motorcycle riders.


In Georgia, Armenia, and Moldova new seat belt laws were secured following advocacy by the EASST network.


The FIA Foundation pledged US $10 million as lead start-up donor for the UN Road Safety Fund.


Led a successful campaign for road safety to be included in the Sustainable Development Goals.

Manifesto 2030 Advocacy Hub

Launched to coincide with the UN Streets for Life campaign, the FIA Foundation’s new Advocacy Hub, based within the Child Health Initiative, will focus on supporting global, national and city campaigns for 30km/h streets where children and youth live, walk and cycle.

Manifesto 2030 Advocacy Hub

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