Factsheet: Fuel Economy

9th May 2016
The FIA Foundation factsheets are intended to give a brief overview of the key issues in specific areas of sustainable mobility. This factsheet covers Fuel Economy.
Factsheet: Fuel Economy

Safe and Sound

16th March 2016
The report explores the implications of inadequate personal security on public transport, and reviews a large number of published international papers, reports and news articles, to scope the extent of harassment and identify potential responses.
Safe and Sound

Reducing Pollution Emissions

20th October 2015
FIA Foundation is interested in supporting work on key areas with the most potential to significantly reduce emissions in the transport sector, and commissioned Clean Air Asia to identify the most relevant issues.
Reducing Pollution Emissions

China's Quest for Car Ownership

15th May 2015
China's Quest for Car Ownership is an independent report from Cultural Dynamics, commissioned as part of the FIA Foundation's Research Series of policy, thought and discussion papers. The report reviews the values of young Chinese consumers in relation to mobility and environmental issues, and particularly attitudes to car purchase and use. 
China's Quest for Car Ownership

Fuel Efficient and Clean Transport

15th May 2015
The FIA Foundation, working with partners through the Global Fuel Economy Initiative, the UN’s Sustainable Energy for All initiative, the Climate & Clean Air Coalition and the Partnership for Clean Fuels & Vehicles, is part of efforts to make road transport more fuel efficient and to reduce toxic tailpipe emissions.
Fuel Efficient and Clean Transport