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Target the oldest diesel trucks to reduce racial disparities in air pollution exposure in NYC

13th April 2022

A new TRUE study of real-world vehicle emissions in New York City has two key findings in relation to truck emissions in NYC: First, less than 10% of diesel trucks on the road are responsible for more than two-thirds of the fleet's tailpipe PM2.5 emissions; and second, people of colour living in the city are exposed to more PM2.5 from diesel trucks than average while non-Latino white residents are exposed to less.

Target the oldest diesel trucks to reduce racial disparities in air pollution exposure in NYC

New TRUE analysis shows imported used light-duty vehicles in Warsaw emit two to three times as much pollution as domestic vehicles

6th April 2022

New research from The Real Urban Emissions (TRUE) Initiative in Warsaw highlights the impact of old and imported used vehicles on urban air quality and recommends actions for the city to take to address their high real-world emissions.

New TRUE analysis shows imported used light-duty vehicles in Warsaw emit two to three times as much pollution as domestic vehicles

THUMS … Total Human Model for Safety

2nd March 2022

THUMS (Total Human Model for Safety) is a computer model that represents the human body, able to simulate injuries for real-life safety research that is difficult to measure on crash test dummies. Supplementing the existing methodology of full-scale real car crash testing, THUMS and the continual advance in computer capabilities is allowing the testing to move into the virtual world. Multiple changes to vehicle design, be that the seats, seatbelts, or chassis can now be iterated through to determine the safest installations, as well as allowing accident and injury reconstruction.

THUMS … Total Human Model for Safety

Halo: guardian angel of the race track

1st March 2022

The Halo, introduced by the FIA and designed by researchers at the Global Institute for Motor Sport Safety, with funding support from the FIA Foundation, was initially designed as a device to provide additional frontal protection from flying objects for open cockpit racing drivers.

Halo: guardian angel of the race track