Life Support - Advancing The Global Agenda For Financing and Action On Road Safety

14th February 2025
In far too many countries road traffic injuries and fatalities are increasing. We need to accelerate progress in delivering road safety around the world and for this, financing is critical. Yet too often, even when financing is available for roads and transportation, effective road safety is not the outcome. ‘Life Support’ presents the priority actions needed in order to strengthen financing and deliver results through to 2030.
Life Support - Advancing The Global Agenda For Financing and Action On Road Safety

Manifesto 2030: Progress Report

14th February 2025
The report outlines the advancement that has been made by Child Health Initiative partners since the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Stockholm in 2020. It highlights the major achievements in programmatic and advocacy work, our evolving strategic focus, and our way forward towards the second half of the Decade of Action for road safety. 
Manifesto 2030: Progress Report

Life Support: Advancing the Global Agenda for Financing & Action on Road Safety

3rd April 2024
In order to accelerate progress in addressing road traffic injury, financing is critical. Governments and city authorities need catalytic support to make further progress. This is an introduction to the FIA Foundation’s advocacy agenda on how increased and improved financing is needed for scaled-up impact on road traffic injury around the world.
Life Support: Advancing the Global Agenda for Financing & Action on Road Safety

A Fare Price

11th March 2024
An investigation into the health costs of motorcycle taxi crashes in Kenya. This study sets out to understand helmet usage, and the scale and impact of motorcycle related deaths and injuries, to highlight the urgent need for immediate action to strengthen the enforcement of the Kenyan motorcycle helmet standard to help reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries linked to low helmet prevalence.
A Fare Price

Manifesto 2030 Advocacy Hub

8th November 2021
Launched to coincide with the UN Streets for Life campaign, the FIA Foundation’s new Advocacy Hub, based within the Child Health Initiative, will focus on supporting global, national and city campaigns for 30km/h streets where children and youth live, walk and cycle.
Manifesto 2030 Advocacy Hub

These are our streets: Manifesto 2030

16th February 2020
The Manifesto calls for a transformation of urban streets by 2030 into safe, low speed and accessible space that puts people first, encouraging zero carbon walking and cycling, by deploying the ‘Speed Vaccine’: safe footpaths and crossings; protected cycleways; and maximum 30 km/h speed limits anywhere children and traffic mix.
These are our streets: Manifesto 2030