The Wheels of Change: Safe and Sustainable Motorcycles in Sub-Saharan Africa

16th November 2022
This report aims to provide an overview of the key issues surrounding motorcycles in Africa to give context and facts – and to provide recommendations – to help all involved to make informed decisions that will maximise the benefits that motorcycles offer and to reduce the risks.
The Wheels of Change: Safe and Sustainable Motorcycles in Sub-Saharan Africa

Gender Equality and the Role of Women in Decarbonising Transport

12th September 2022
Why is adopting a gender-based analysis necessary when considering decarbonising transport policies? How can we strengthen awareness of the gender, transport and climate change policy nexus? What role do governments play? This report examines the linkages between gender equality, transport and climate change to help develop policies that can achieve both gender equality and decarbonising transport goals by 2050. It provides guiding principles with specific actions to help countries and companies align their gender equality and decarbonising transport goals.
Gender Equality and the Role of Women in Decarbonising Transport

Securing Global Fleet Transformation: GFEI's ZERO Pathway

9th November 2021
GFEI’s global targets and capacity building support policies for vehicle efficiency and electrification. Our new report on GFEI’s ZERO pathway sets out key actions to secure global fleet transformation to zero carbon vehicles by 2050.
Securing Global Fleet Transformation: GFEI's ZERO Pathway

Manifesto 2030 Advocacy Hub

8th November 2021
Launched to coincide with the UN Streets for Life campaign, the FIA Foundation’s new Advocacy Hub, based within the Child Health Initiative, will focus on supporting global, national and city campaigns for 30km/h streets where children and youth live, walk and cycle.
Manifesto 2030 Advocacy Hub

Counting Women so that Women Count

25th November 2020
This report reviews the state of play in terms of transport data, and the gaps in our knowledge about women’s transport behaviours, as reported in a survey of over 140 transport professionals.
Counting Women so that Women Count

Renewable Energy Pathways in Road Transport

18th November 2020
The report Renewable Energy Pathways in Road Transport points out five key pathways to limit the growing impact of transport, and especially that of road transport, on global greenhouse gas emissions.
Renewable Energy Pathways in Road Transport