These are our streets: Manifesto 2030

16th February 2020
The Manifesto calls for a transformation of urban streets by 2030 into safe, low speed and accessible space that puts people first, encouraging zero carbon walking and cycling, by deploying the ‘Speed Vaccine’: safe footpaths and crossings; protected cycleways; and maximum 30 km/h speed limits anywhere children and traffic mix.
These are our streets: Manifesto 2030

FIA Foundation Annual Report 2019

5th December 2019
The FIA Foundation’s 2019 Annual Report highlights our campaign for child and adolescent health, support for new clean air initiatives, and research and advocacy for low carbon mobility to address the climate emergency.
FIA Foundation Annual Report 2019

FIA Foundation Annual Report 2018

6th December 2018
The FIA Foundation’s Annual Report 2018 highlights our advocacy for the mobility targets of the Sustainable Development Goals and for child rights; and showcases the achievements of our grant partners around the world.
FIA Foundation Annual Report 2018

The Future of Road Transport Emissions Regulation in the UK after Brexit

11th October 2018
Potential changes to the vehicle emissions regime after Brexit could pose real risks to public health, as well as a loss of access to valuable EU markets for the £4.9bn UK motor industry. This report examines some potential regulation scenarios and their impact on a post-Brexit Britain.
The Future of Road Transport Emissions Regulation in the UK after Brexit