Life Support: Advancing the Global Agenda for Financing & Action on Road Safety

3rd April 2024
In order to accelerate progress in addressing road traffic injury, financing is critical. Governments and city authorities need catalytic support to make further progress. This is an introduction to the FIA Foundation’s advocacy agenda on how increased and improved financing is needed for scaled-up impact on road traffic injury around the world.
Life Support: Advancing the Global Agenda for Financing & Action on Road Safety

A Fare Price

11th March 2024
An investigation into the health costs of motorcycle taxi crashes in Kenya. This study sets out to understand helmet usage, and the scale and impact of motorcycle related deaths and injuries, to highlight the urgent need for immediate action to strengthen the enforcement of the Kenyan motorcycle helmet standard to help reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries linked to low helmet prevalence.
A Fare Price

FIA Foundation Annual Review 2023

6th December 2023
The FIA Foundation reports on its charitable activities in 2023, including advocacy for youth at the UN Summit on the Sustainable Development Goals; accelerating the electric vehicle transition; the latest progress in car and truck safety; protecting children on the journey to school; and playing a key role in the safety of top level motor sport.
FIA Foundation Annual Review 2023

FIA Foundation - Design For Life

19th May 2023
The FIA Foundation is an international charity, working closely with grant partners to shape projects and advocate to secure change in policy and practice. Our Strategy 2030 firmly establishes our focus on contributing to achieve the ambitious targets of the United Nations’ Global Goals, in the areas of road traffic injury, air quality, climate action and youth empowerment. Our mission: Design for Life, For People & Planet.
FIA Foundation - Design For Life

FIA Foundation Annual Review 2022

9th December 2022
The FIA Foundation reports on its charitable activities in 2022, including participating in the first UN High Level Meeting on Road Safety; expanding its TRUE emissions campaign to new cities, including New York; supporting refugees and emergency response to the war in Ukraine; advancing advocacy for the global youth agenda; and playing a key role in the safety of top level motor sport.
FIA Foundation Annual Review 2022